Mixed Fruits Enzyme  

Posted by: Julia

Ingredients :

  • 280g pineapple
  • 250g papaya
  • 2 kiwi fruit
  • 400g black grape
  • 350ml honey / 350g rock sugar
Directions :
  1. Rinse and peel papaya and kiwi fruit. Cut into slices. Rinse and cut pineapple into dices.
  2. Peel black grapes and cut into halves.
  3. Place papaya slices, kiwi fruit slices, pineapple dices and grapes in layers into a glass bottle until all the fruits are used up. Pour honey / rock sugar over it until the honey / rock sugar covers the pile of fruit.
  4. Seal and store the bottle in a cool place for fermentation.
  5. Shake the bottle on the 3rd or 4th day so that the fruits could be evenly fermented.
  6. Store for 3 weeks. Serve.
Function :

Papaya is rich in vitamin B, C and A. It aids digestion.

Grape Enzyme  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 350g green grape
  • 350g red grape
  • 300g grape
  • 2 slices lemon
  • 350ml honey / 350g rock sugar
Directions :
  1. Rinse grapes and lemon and allow them to be air dried.
  2. Peel grapes and cut lemon into thin slices.
  3. Place dried grapes and lemon slices in layers into a glass bottle all the fruits are used up. Pour honey / rock sugar over it until the honey / rock sugar covers the pile of fruit.
  4. Seal and store the bottle in a cool place for fermentation.
  5. Shake the bottle on the 3rd or 4th day so that the fruits could be evenly fermented.
  6. Store for 3 weeks. Serve.
Function :

Grape is rich in vitamin A, B and C. It contains glucose and promotes blood circulation and diuresis (urination).

Dragonfruit Enzyme  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 2kg dragonfruit
  • 2 slices lemon
  • 350ml honey / 350g rock sugar
Directions :
  1. Rinse dragonfruit and lemon. Allow them to be air dried.
  2. Peel dragonfruit and lemon. Cut them into thin slices.
  3. Place dragonfruit and lemon slices in layers into a glass bottle. Pour honey / rock sugar over it until the honey / rock sugar totally covers the fruit slices.
  4. Seal and store the bottle in a cool place for fermentation.
  5. Shake the bottle on the 3rd or 4th day so that the fruits could be evenly fermented.
  6. Store for 3 weeks. Serve.
Function :

Dragonfruit is rich in vitamin C and minerals, especially calcium. It is also rich in phytoalbumins which are highly valued for their antioxidant properties. antioxidants prevent the formation of cancer causing free radicals.

Pineapple Enzyme  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 2 fresh pineapple
  • 2 slices lemon
  • 350ml honey / 350g rock sugar
Directions :
  1. Rinse pineapple and lemon. Allow them to be air dried.
  2. Peel pineapple and lemon. Cut them into thin slices.
  3. Place pineapple and lemon slices in layers into a glass bottle. Then pour honey / rock sugar over it until the honey / rock sugar covers the pile of fruit slices. The layers of honey / rock sugar will ensure that the sugar acts as a preservative and the fruit will not turn moldy.
  4. Seal and store the bottle in a cool place for fermentation.
  5. Shake the bottle on the 3rd or 4th day so that the fruits could be evenly fermented.
  6. Store for 3 weeks. Serve.
Function :

Pineapple can break down proteins, aids digestion and bowel movement and improves appetite. It also increase the number of good bacteria in the intestines and helps to discharge waste from the body.

Kiwi Fruit Enzyme  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 10 kiwi fruit
  • 2 slices lemon
  • 350ml honey / 350g rock sugar
Directions :
  1. Rinse kiwi fruit and lemon. Allow them to be air dried.
  2. Peel kiwi fruit and lemon. Cut kiwi fruit and lemon into thin slices.
  3. Place kiwi fruit and lemon slices in layers into a glass bottle. Then pour honey / rock sugar over it until the honey / rock sugar covers the pile of fruit slices.
  4. Seal and store the bottle in a cool place for fermentation.
  5. Shake the bottle on the 3rd or 4th day so that the fruits could be evenly fermented.
  6. Store for 3 weeks. Serve.
Function :

Kiwi fruit contains mineral such as protein, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium and iron. It also contains pectin and vitamin C. It has antioxidant and anti ageing properties. It prevents cold and flu, calms the nerve and improves sleep.

Apple And Carrot Enzyme  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 5 green apple
  • 5 red apple
  • 2 carrot
  • 2 slices lemon
  • 350ml honey / 350g rock sugar
Directions :
  1. Rinse and peel green apple, red apple, carrot and green lemon. Cut into shreds.
  2. Place the green apple, red apple, carrot and green lemon shreds in layers into a glass bottle then pour honey / rock sugar over it until the honey covers the pile of fruit shreds. The honey / rock sugar must cover the fruits completely to ensure that the fruits will not turn moldy as the sugar acts as a preservative.
  3. Seal and store the bottle in a cool place for fermentation.
  4. Shake the bottle on the 3rd or 4th day so that the fruits could be evenly fermented.
  5. Store for 3 weeks. Serve.
Function :

Carrot is a good antioxidant that provides energy and improves the immune system. It is suitable for those who work long hours in front of computer.

Fish Ball Vegetable Soup  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 20 fishballs
  • 100 grammes of chinese mustard greens (rinsed throughly and cut into smaller (halved) pieces)
  • A pinch of chinese salted vegetable (tung chye)
  • 600 ml ikan bilis stock (boil 700 ml water with a handful of ikan bilis for 30 minutes. strain and remove ikan bilis)

Seasoning :

  • 1 teaspoon of light soya sauce
  • A couple of dashes of white pepper powder
  • Salt to taste
  • A pinch of msg (optional)

Directions :

  1. Bring ikan bilis stock to boil. When boiling rapidly, add fish balls and allow it to cook till the fishballs float to surface.
  2. As soon as the first fishball floats to surface, add the vegetables. Add seasoning.
  3. Dish up when all fishballs have floated to surface. Sprinkle chinese salted vegetable before serving. If you prefer, you can drizzle a teaspoon of shallot oil.

White Cabbage Fish Balls Soup  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 4 to 8 leaves of white cabbage (cut into 2 inches cross wise)
  • 10 to 15 fish balls
  • 100 grammes of minced pork (choose and use pork which comes with a little bit of fat. Marinate with a little light soya sauce and white pepper powder)
  • A small handful of ikan bilis (choose bigger sized ikan bilis or those suitable for stock)
  • 1 litre water
Seasoning :

  • 2 teaspoons light soya sauce
  • Salt and white pepper powder to taste
Directions :

  1. Bring water to boil and add ikan bilis. Boil in medium heat for 30 minutes. Remove ikan bilis.
  2. Bring stock to boil again and add minced pork balls (rolled into same size as fish balls) and fish balls. Once the balls are beginning to float, add white cabbage.
  3. Boil till cabbage turns limp and all the minced pork balls and fish balls have floated to surface. Add seasoning to taste.
  4. Dish up and serve hot.

今天终於知道错 - 陈伟霆  

Posted by: Julia in


Posted by: Julia in


  • 10g 当归
  • 10g 黄芪
  • 2颗 鸡蛋
  • 6颗 红枣
  • 1勺 红糖

  1. 鸡蛋、当归、黄芪分别洗净,红枣温水泡发后掰开。(红枣漏拍了,汗!)
  2. 除红糖以外的所有材料放入药锅或者砂锅里,加水两碗,点火烧开
  3. 开了以后转中小火煮10左右,鸡蛋熟了,即可捞出
  4. 鸡蛋晾凉了,剥壳,再放回锅内
  5. 小火煎至水只有一碗时,放红糖,继续煮5分钟左右即可