Steamed Fish Head @ Taynton View/Taman Connaught  

Posted by: Julia in

This is an interesting hide out which I have discovered for lunch in the vicinity of Cheras. If you are coming from the city of Kuala Lumpur traveling south bound along Jalan Cheras and make your way to Taynton View/Taman Connaught, somewhere near Federal Institute of Technology also known as F.I.T. now is UCSI.

You will see or might hit these road names and watch out for this sign at a side lane in front of F.I.T. and you are about less than 50 metres near the stall.

Basically the eatery stall is situated between Taman Connaught and Taynton View. It is just at the back lanes of these two housing schemes.

The place is very crowded with patrons during lunch hours, the food is tasty and the pricing is very reasonable. Come Sundays and Saturdays it is open for business.

Good place with good food!

Price: From RM18-25 per fish head

Steamed Fish Head “Soong Yee” with black bean and ginger.

Steamed Fish Head “Soong Yee” with preserved bean paste.

Steamed Fish Head “Soong Yee” with ginger.

Steamed Fish Head “Soong Yee” with soya sauce.


Posted by: Julia in



蛋白質是組成人體組織的主要成分,組織的修補和更新需要不斷地補充蛋白質. 瘦肉、禽肉、動物內臟、魚、蝦、奶類、蛋類等含有豐富的動物性蛋白質,而豆類含有豐富的植物性蛋白質.

人體在缺乏維生素一的時候,眼睛感受弱光的能力下降,對黑暗環境的適應能力減退,嚴重時易患夜盲症. 另,缺乏維生素一可引起眼結膜乾燥,眼淚少,甚至於導致眼角膜穿孔致盲,這就是人們常說的乾眼症.


維生素C是組成眼球水晶體的成分之一,如果缺乏維生素C就容易導致水晶體渾濁患白內障. 因此,應該在每天的飲食中注意攝取含維生素C豐富的食物,維生素C含量較高的食物有:鮮棗、青菜、捲心菜、菜花、青椒、苦瓜、油菜、西紅柿、豆芽、土豆、蘿蔔、柑橘、橙、草莓、山楂、蘋果等.


Durian Apom Balik  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 300g plain flour
  • 30g rice flour
  • 300g caster sugar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 100g durian puree (optional)
  • 8 pandan leaves
  • 150ml thick coconut milk
  • 250ml water
  • 3 eggs
  • a pinch of salt
Directions :
  1. Wash and blend pandan leaves with the 250ml water and strain out the juice.
  2. Sift rice flour, plain flour, salt and baking powder into a mixing bowl.
  3. Mix sugar, eggs and durian puree with 150ml thick coconut milk. Stir till sugar dissolves.
  4. Mix sifted ingredients from (2) with 250ml pandan water to make a smooth batter. Gradually add this batter to the egg mixture. Mix well and strain mixture.
  5. Heat apom balik mould or a kwali until hot. Reduce the heat and grease slightly with oil.
  6. Pour the batter into the mould. Cook over low heat, uncovered, until bubbles appear on the top. Cover with a lid and cook until the apom balik turns golden brown. Remove from mould and fold the apom balik into half.

Oatmeal And Chocolate Cookies  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 100gm butter
  • 100gm brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4tsp vanilla essence
  • 130gm quick cooking oats
  • 100gm self raising flour
  • 1/8tsp salt
  • 100gm chocolate chips
  • 30gm cashew nut - chopped
Directions :
  1. Place butter, sugar, egg and vanilla in a bowl and beat until creamy.
  2. Combine the rest of the ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Brush baking tray with butter and arrange tablespoons of the cookies dough on the tray, well spaced apart. Dip the base of glass or cup in flour and flatten cookies 0.5 cm thick.
  4. Bake at preheat oven 180ºc for 12-15 minutes.

我的醉愛 - 楊千嬅  

Posted by: Julia in