Teman Tapi Mesra - RATU  

Posted by: Julia in

Thai Style Steamed Fish  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 1 medium-sized garoupa or tilapia
  • 1 stalk lemon grass, smashed
  • 4–5 bird’s eye chillies (chilli padi), smashed
  • 2 kaffir lime leaves, finely sliced
  • 2 pieces dried tamarind skin (asam keping)
  • 2 tbsp lime juice

(B) Sauce :

  • 1 tsp sugar or to taste
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 1/2 cup chicken stock granules or water

(C) Garnishing :

  • Some Chinese parsley leaves
  • Some chilli curls and spring onions

Directions :

  1. Scale and clean fish well. Make 2 slanting cuts on both sides of the fish.
  2. Steam fish on high heat for about 10–12 minutes. Discard excess liquid from the plate.
  3. Heat oil in a wok and fry ingredients (A) until fragrant. Add in sauce ingredients (B). Cook for 2–3 minutes then pour the sauce over the fish. Garnish before serving.

Kena Pakai Lilin Ajerrrlaaaaaaa....  

Posted by: Julia in

Sepasang pengantin yang baru berkahwin 4 bulan. Pada suatu malam si isteri memeluk leher suami dengan nada manja seraya berkata, "ayang, period I dah lewat sebulan, tapi I tak boleh nak pastikan lagi sebab kita kena gi check kat doktor." Si suami yang teramat gembira tu pun berpakat dengan isterinya untuk tidak memberitahu sesiapa pun tentang perkhabaran gembira ini sehingga ianya benar-bena pasti.

Pada suatu hari, pasangan ini didatangi oleh pegawai dari TNB kerana terdapat tunggakkan dalam pembayaran bill elektrik rumah mereka. Pegawai TNB tu pun berkata "ini rumah Encik Mahpus ker?" "Iya, saya ni isterinya... ada apa encik" Pegawai TNB tu pun berkata, "Puan, ni dah sebulan lewat, saya dah tak boleh tunggu ni, nanti boss saya marah." Dengan nada terkejut, si isteri itu pun membalas balik cakap pegawai TNB tu. "APA??? Macam mana pulak encik tahu yang saya ni sebulan lewat???" Pegawai TNB tu pun dengan selamba menjawab "ala puan, ni kan zaman IT, semua tu ada dalam komputer dan kita boleh check online" Kata-kata pegawai TNB tu membuatkan si isteri tu lagi terkejut. "APAAA???? Saya lewat sebulan pun awak semua boleh tahuuu???"

Pegawai TNB tu pun mententeramkan keadaan "Relek puan, puan ni baru lewat sebulan, ada yang lagi teruk, lewat 5-6 bulan" Si isteri yang terperanjat beruk dengan kenyataan pegawai tu pun berkata, nanti saya bincang dengan suami saya...lalu pegawai TNB tu pun beredar dari situ...Keesokkan harinya, selepas si Mahpus ini diberitahu oleh isterinya, dia pun naik berang dan terus ambik cuti dan pergi ke kedai TNB yang berdekatan... Dengan tanpa menghiraukan pegawai-pegawai TNB yang ramai di situ, dia pun memekik seraya berkata "Apa korang ni, isteri saya sebulan lewat pun nak heboh-heboh ke dalam internet. Awak ni semua yang berkeluarga tak pernah lewat sebulan kerrrr????!! Bisness apa korang buat niii?? nak kena saman kerr???

Lalu pegawai yang datang ke rumah si Mahphus ni berdiri dan mententeramkan keadaan. "sabar encik, sabar encik, apa susah, kalau cik nak settlekan perkara ni, bayar je..." kata-kata pegawai TNB tu membuatkan si Mahpus naik berang. "APAAA?? nak bayar korang? Belahhhh lahh.... "Lalu pegawai TNB tu pun cakap "kalau macam tu, kita terpaksa potong encik punya....... ...." Si Mahpus mencelah "apa??? potong??? abih tu isteri saya di rumah nak pakai apaaaaaa???"

Pegawai TNB tu pun cakap " nampak gayanye....ISTERI ENCIK KENA PAKAI LILIN AJERRRLAAAAAAAA. ..."

Long Island Iced Tea  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1/2 oz triple sec
  • 1/2 oz light rum
  • 1/2 oz gin
  • 1/2 oz vodka
  • 1/2 oz tequila
  • 1 oz sour mix cola
  • lemon wedge for garnish

Directions :

  1. Pour the spirits and sour mix into a collins glass with ice.
  2. Stir well or shake.
  3. Top the glass off with cola.
  4. Garnish with the lemon wedge.

Banana Fritters Fried In Plastic  

Posted by: Julia in

Receive this email from a friend. Well, if this is true, then better be extra careful when you buy fried food in kampongs.

This is a TRUE STORY and Saw Loon told me it happened to her place at Kedah, Tunjang I think.

It happened in PERLIS (Titi Chai Kangar, the pasar malam area where GORENG PISANG are sold in the afternoon).

Mom said, my uncle saw the GORENG PISANG hawker added plastic straw (those use for drinking water) into hot boiling oil (and it melted) before he fried the GORENG PISANG, that is why GORENG PISANG, UBI, etc all are very crispy even for hours.

And, my uncle asked the hawker but he kept quite and when my uncle told my mom about it, then only they realized that this is how fried fritters can still maintain crispy for hours. My mom said that in Thailand they do the same to keep the fried food crispy eg:- ikan bilis, fried onions which if you leave them in the open air for hours still crispy.

Please forward to all your friends ------ DO NOT EAT CRISPY FRIED FOOD from hawkers !! Try to leave it in the open air for hours and see.

Here's another one:-

I was with my family Cameron Highlands. It was 3 pm and we were hanging around at a market area. We saw many hawker stalls, suddenly something attracted my attention at one of the stalls, there was a big wok of boiling oil with a half 5 litres empty oil bottle in it. The plastic bottle melted slowly in the hot oil. At first I thought it was an unintentional act by a 7 years old girl but when I looked closely, I saw she was holding a pair of chopsticks and stirring the bottle, it appears the act was intentional, oh my God ------ these people are using meltedplastic to fry food, so that the tit bits will not go soft when it cooled due to plastic.