
Posted by: Julia in


  • 10g 当归
  • 10g 黄芪
  • 2颗 鸡蛋
  • 6颗 红枣
  • 1勺 红糖

  1. 鸡蛋、当归、黄芪分别洗净,红枣温水泡发后掰开。(红枣漏拍了,汗!)
  2. 除红糖以外的所有材料放入药锅或者砂锅里,加水两碗,点火烧开
  3. 开了以后转中小火煮10左右,鸡蛋熟了,即可捞出
  4. 鸡蛋晾凉了,剥壳,再放回锅内
  5. 小火煎至水只有一碗时,放红糖,继续煮5分钟左右即可


Posted by: Julia in


  • 6粒(约12g)生白果仁
  • 20g 干腐竹
  • 20g 芥兰
  • 20g 潮州咸菜
  • 50g 香米
  • 1/2茶匙(3ml)芝麻香油
  • 10g 香葱
  • 300ml 骨汤
Directions :
  1. 干腐竹用温水泡开,切成2cm的斜段;潮州咸菜用流动水冲洗干净,切成丝;香葱洗净,切成小粒;芥兰洗净切碎;香米淘洗一次,放入砂锅中,备用。
  2. 将骨汤倒入砂锅中与香米拌匀,移至灶台上用大火煮开,再转小火煲煮至香米六成熟。
  3. 放入生白果仁、腐竹段、芥兰碎和潮州咸菜继续煲煮至所有原料成熟,调入芝麻香油搅拌均匀,离火。
  4. 最后,将切好的香葱撒在上面即可。


Posted by: Julia in


  • 250g 马蹄粉
  • 125g 砂糖
  • 100g 马蹄肉
  • 1250g 清水
  1. 马蹄粉加水500g搅拌至没有粉粒,制成生粉浆.
  2. 马蹄肉切粒,放入生粉浆中,拌匀.
  3. 砂糖加水750g煮至溶化,制成糖水.
  4. 把热糖水加入生粉浆中,搅拌均匀,制成马蹄粉浆.
  5. 把马蹄浆倒入容器
  6. 猛火蒸约30分钟,放凉后切形即成.


Posted by: Julia in


  • 1块豆腐
  • 50g 肉末
  • 姜少许
  • 葱花少许
  • 酱油少许
  • 黄酒少许
  1. 豆腐切小块入沸水焯,沥干水待用.
  2. 油锅六成热,下葱姜末爆香,放入肉末炒至变白,加入XO酱,酱油,盐,黄酒.
  3. 加入豆腐翻炒至熟,撒上葱花即可 注意:豆腐要最后放入,才能保证其既香又鲜嫩.


Posted by: Julia in

  • 30g (2汤匙) 薏米
  • 400g 带皮冬瓜
  • 400g 猪肋骨
  • 20g (1块)带皮老姜
  • 10g (2茶匙)盐

  1. 猪肋骨洗净,在沸水中汆烫出血水后,捞出在流动水中反复冲洗。
  2. 用小刷将带皮老姜和带皮冬瓜的外皮刷洗干净。用刀背将老姜拍散。将冬瓜切成4cm见方的大块。
  3. 取褒汤锅(或砂锅),把处理好的排骨、拍散的老姜、冬瓜块和薏米一起放入。注入相当于3倍固体食物体积的冷水。
  4. 先用大火将汤水煮沸,再改小火慢炖2小时。过程中要不时捞出汤表面的油水及血沫。
  5. 食用前调入盐即可。




Posted by: Julia in


  • 1朵银耳
  • 1个木瓜
  • 20g 冰糖
  • 水适量

  1. 银耳提前一宿用凉水泡开,洗净,剪成小朵。
  2. 木瓜去皮,去籽,切成小块。
  3. 木瓜与银耳一同放入锅内,加入适量水,放火上烧开。
  4. 加入冰糖,小火炖30分钟即可。

银耳一定要用凉水泡发,不然煮出来的不稠。 想让银耳羹稠,有个小窍门,就是煮好后的银耳,马上放入凉水中。这样过一会儿就会变得浓稠了。

Rice Cooker Fatt Koh  

Posted by: Julia in


  • 100g self-rising flour
  • 80g sugar
  • 100 - 105 ml water
  • red food coloring


  1. Put an inch of water into the rice cooker, the steaming rack and the cups for steaming, press the cook button.
  2. When the water boils, mix the ingredients thoroughly and well combined.
  3. Pour into the steamed cups to 90%, almost to the brim and close the rice cooker.
  4. Cook for 15 - 20 minutes (no peeking).
  5. After koh’s are done, remove and put in more cups to heat up for the remaining batter (if there is any).

Aiyu Ice ( 愛玉冰)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 10 gm aiyu powder (愛玉粉 10克)
  • 50 gm sugar (糖 50克)
  • 1000 ml water (水 1000毫升)
  • 1 lemon (檸檬 1粒)
  • 1/2 glass honey (蜜糖 半杯)
  • 1 can longan (罐頭龍眼 一罐)
Directions :
  1. Mix evenly aiyu powder and sugar, add in water boil. (將愛玉粉加糖拌勻,加入水拌勻,煮至滾)
  2. Pours into the mould to cool, puts in the refrigerator for two hours. (倒入模型冷卻,放入冰箱兩個小時)
  3. For serving add in honey, longan syrup, and lemon juice. (吃的時候,加入蜜糖,龍眼糖水,和檸檬汁即可)

Sugar Snap Peas With Tiny Anchovies  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 200 grammes or 1 bowl of sugar snap peas
  • 2 tablespoons tiny anchovies (give a quick very rinse of water to get rid of dust / dirt)
  • 4 cloves garlic (chopped)
  • 2 tablespoon of cooking oil (palm oil)
  • Warm water for sprinkling
Seasoning :

  • 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
Directions :
  1. Heat oil in wok. Add tiny anchovies and reduce heat to medium. Fry the anchovies till golden brown. Remove anchovies and set aside to cool.
  2. With remaining oil in wok, add garlic and fry till aromatic. Increase heat to high and add sugar snap peas. Stir fry continually for 2 to 3 minutes whilst adding oyster sauce. Sprinkle some warm water occasionally to prevent drying up.
  3. Serve on plate and sprinkle fried anchovies on top of the sugar snap peas.

Kuih Rengas/Kuih Kasturi  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

For the filling :
  • 100 g green beans
  • Sugar to taste
  • 50 g freshly grated coconut
  • 1 screwpine leaf (daun pandan)
  • enough water for boiling
For the bater :
  • 1 cup rice flour
  • 1 - 2 eggs
  • a pinch salt
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon tumeric powder
Directions :

For the filling :
  1. Boil the green beans till soft.
  2. Add the other ingredients and cook till slightly dry.
  3. Take a bit of the mixture and make it into a ball, then flatten it.
  4. Leave aside.
For the bater :
  1. Mix well the above ingredients. Make sure there's no crumbles.
  2. Heat enough oil in a frying pan.
  3. Dip the filling, into the bater and fry till golden brown.

Stir Fried Asparagus With Prawns  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 250 grammes of asparagus (cut to 4 or 5cm lengths)
  • about 5 to 10 medium sized prawns (remove shell with tail intact, devein)
  • 4 cloves garlic (chopped finely)
  • 30 ml warm water
  • 2 tablespoons palm oil
Seasoning :
  • 1 teaspoon of light soya sauce
  • a pinch of salt
  • a dash or two of white pepper powder
Directions :
  1. Heat oil in wok on high heat. Saute garlic till beginning to brown. Add prawns and stir till begins to turn red. Add asparagus and seasoning.
  2. Stir well and add water. Cover lid for 30 seconds to a minute. Check to ensure that dish does not dry out. Add a little bit more water if it is dried out. Asparagus should be cooked in less than 2 minutes with just a little gravy to keep the dish moist.

Easy Fatt Koh  

Posted by: Julia in


  • 100g cake flour
  • 80g icing sugar
  • 4g baking powder
  • 105ml water


  1. Sift cake flour and icing sugar at least 3 times to make sure no more lumps.
  2. Add 95ml water into cake flour and icing sugar,stir till smooth batter.
  3. Dissolve baking powder in 10ml water. Then add into batter. Stir well and rest for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour into moulds. Steam over rapid boiling water about 20 minutes.


  1. Don't open when fatt koh are steamed. After 20 minutes, slowly open the cover lid, take the fatt koh after awhile.
  2. The water must fully steamed, put your fatt koh to steam only over rapid boiling water.
  3. You can use rice cooker to steam fatt koh.
  4. Don't put too much fatt koh to steam at once, it may reduce the fatt koh to raise up.

Sambal Udang  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 300g medium-sized prawns, shelled
  • 200g petai seeds, skinned
  • 3-4 tbsp oil
Combined :
  • 5 dried chillies, soaked
  • 2 fresh red chillies, seeded
  • 4 shallots
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 candlenuts
  • 1/4 tsp belacan granules
  • 2 big limes, squeezed for juice
Seasoning :
  • 1/2 tbsp sugar or to taste
  • 1/2 tsp salt or to taste
  • 1/4 tsp chicken stock granules
Directions :
  1. Heat oil in a wok, saute ground ingredients and belacan until aromatic. Put in prawns and cook for three to four minutes.
  2. Add lime juice and seasoning. Stir well to mix.
  3. Add petai seeds and stir-fry well.

Candied Papaya (Halwa Betik)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1.5kg half-ripe papaya, peeled pinch slaked lime paste (kapur)
  • Enough water to cover papaya
Syrup :
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 100g rock sugar
  • 5 cups water
Directions :
  1. Cut the papaya into 1.5x2.5cm slices and carve into decorative shapes, if desired.
  2. Dilute the slaked lime in the water and soak the papaya in this solution overnight, to give the papaya a crisp bite. Rinse the papaya thoroughly in water, two or three times and drain.
  3. Bring a pot of water to the boil and cook the papaya for 5-10 minutes. Remove and drain for half an hour.
  4. Boil together the syrup ingredients. Cool until lukewarm.
  5. Arrange papaya in a glass jar, pour in the cooled syrup and cover. The syrup must cover the papaya completely. Allow to soak in the syrup for a minimum of 5 days. Serve as a dessert.
Note :
  1. To maintain the freshness of the halwa, drain the syrup every two days. Reheat the syrup to boiling point and cool until lukewarm before returning it to the jar. This repeated process of reheating thickens the syrup so the halwa is extremely sweet.
  2. Be very prudent with the slaked lime as only a tiny amount is required – the solution should taste only slightly bitter.

Vanilla Pudding  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 2 1/4 cups 2% low-fat milk
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Directions :
  1. Combine first 3 ingredients in a saucepan.
  2. Combine milk and egg in a bowl.
  3. Gradually add milk mixture to sugar mixture, stirring constantly.
  4. Cook over medium heat until thick and bubbly, stirring constantly. Cook for one additional minute after bubbling starts, stirring constantly.
  5. Remove pan from heat; stir in vanilla.
  6. Serve warm, or place plastic wrap on surface; cool to room temperature.
  7. Chill thoroughly.

Lotus Soup And Lohan Guo  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1.5 litres water
  • 300g lotus root, washed and skin scraped off
  • 1/2 lohan guo (Buddha’s fruit)
  • 15 seeded dried Chinese red dates
  • 5 honey dates (mat choe)
  • 100g rock sugar
Directions :
  1. Slice lotus roots into thin slices. Bring water to a boil in a medium-sized pot. Add lotus roots, lohan guo, red dates, honey dates and rock sugar.
  2. When it begins to boil, reduce heat to medium-low and cook for 30–35 minutes. Serve hot or cold.

Basic Sponge Cake  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 4 Egg whites
  • 6 Egg yolks
  • 200gm Sugar
  • 3gm Salt
  • 10gm SP Emulsifier
  • 130gm Superfine flour


  • 30ml Milk
  • 1tsp Vanilla Essence
  • 30ml Melted Butter or Cooking oil /Corn Oil
Directions :
  1. Pour ingredients (A) into mixing bowl and double boil till 40-42C.
  2. Whip ingredients (A) till light and fluffy.
  3. Fold in ingredients (B) gradually.
  4. Add ingredients (C) slowly and mix well.
  5. Mix ingredients (D) till well blended, pour into a mould and bake at 180C for 35 minutes.
  6. Once baked, invert cake onto wire rack for 5 minutes and turn over again. This is to prevent the surface of cake from sinking.

Carrot & Orange Juice  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 2 carrots (peeled, cut into small chunks)
  • 2 oranges (peeled,deseeded)
  • 300ml water
  • 2 tbsps honey
Directions :
  1. Place the carrots and oranges into a blender. Add water to blend until smooth. Strain the juice to remove the vegetable and fruit residue. Pour the juice into a glass.
  2. Add honey to enhance flavour, and serve.

Steamed Pork Ribs With Tau Cheu Sauce  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 300 grammes of pork ribs
  • 2 tablespoons of taucheo (fermented soya beans sold in bottles)
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • 2 salted plums (sold in bottles. Remove excess water)
  • 4 bulbs garlic (chopped or minced)
  • 1 teaspoon cooking oil (preferably palm oil)
Directions :
  1. To prepare marinade, heat oil in pan / wok and stir fry garlic with taucheo for 1 1/2 minutes on medium heat. Add sugar. Remove and let cool.
  2. Add the salted plums to the marinade and marinate the pork ribs evenly for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Steam the pork ribs for at least 30 minutes and serve.

Easy Chocolate Cupcakes  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
Directions :
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 12-cup standard muffin tin with paper liners.
  2. In a medium bowl, sift together cocoa, flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time, then beat in vanilla. Reduce speed to low. Add the flour mixture alternating with sour cream, starting and ending with the flour mixture.
  3. Divide batter among cups, filling each 3/4 full. Bake until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, 20 to 25 minutes. Cool 5 minutes in pan, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Red Bean Talam Kuih  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 200g rice flour
  • 1 Tbsp tapioca flour
  • 1 Tbsp green bean flour (lok tau fun)
  • 150ml water
  • 100ml thick coconut milk
  • 1/8 tsp rose pink colouring
Syrup :
  • 150ml water
  • 125g castor sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 screwpine leaves, knotted
Red Bean Layer :
  • 60g red beans, soaked for several hours
  • 100g rice flour
  • 1 Tbsp tapioca flour
  • 100ml water
  • 50ml thick coconut milk
Syrup :
  • 100g castor sugar
  • 100ml water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 screwpine leaves, knotted
Directions :
  1. Combine rice flour, tapioca flour, green bean flour, water and thick coconut milk in a mixing bowl. Strain the batter to remove any lumps. Add colouring to mixture.
  2. Put sugar, salt, water and screwpine leaves in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and heat until sugar dissolves. Strain the syrup into the batter to mix. Add 2 tablespoons of cooked red beans to the batter. Cook the batter over low heat for 1 minute.
Red Bean Layer :
  1. Pressure-cook the red beans until soft. Drain the beans and set aside.
  2. Combine rice flour, tapioca flour, water and thick coconut milk in a mixing bowl.
  3. Put sugar, salt, water and screwpine leaves in a saucepan. Bring to a simmering boil and heat ingredients until sugar dissolves. Strain the syrup into the batter. Add remaining beans to mix. Cook the batter over a low heat for 1–2 minutes.
  4. Lightly grease a 22cm square cake tin. Warm the tin in the steamer for 1–2 minutes. Pour in two-thirds of the pink batter and steam over medium-high heat for 8–10 minutes. After the batter has set, add the red bean batter. Steam for 10-15 minutes. Add remaining pink batter and continue to steam for 30–40 minutes over medium-low heat until the kuih is firm. Remove and leave to cool completely before cutting into slices.

Black Glutinous Rice Porridge (Bubur Pulut Hitam / Hak Loh Mai)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 300g black glutinous rice
  • 5 litres water
  • 100g castor sugar
  • 100g palm sugar
  • 75g dried longans, rinsed
  • 2–3 pandan leaves, knotted
Combined :
  • 2 tbsp corn flour
  • 3 tbsp water
  • thick milk from 1 coconut
  • 1/2 tsp salt
Directions :
  1. Wash glutinous rice thoroughly and soak in water for several hours. Put rice and water into a pot and cook over medium heat until rice is soft and almost creamy. When rice has reached the desired consistency, add dried longans and pandan leaves.
  2. Add both types of sugar and simmer for a further 10–15 minutes over gentle heat. (Never add sugar to the glutinous rice at the start or you’ll have difficulty cooking it.)
  3. Add thickening to the glutinous rice and bring to a boil, then remove from heat.
  4. To serve: put two to three tablespoons of thick coconut milk into each bowl of glutinous rice porridge.

Red Bean Soup With Mandarin Orange Peel  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 3/4 rice bowl of red beans (pre-soaked for 30 minutes)
  • Dried Skin / Peel from 1 mandarin orange
  • 6 rice bowls of water
  • Sugar to taste
Directions :
  1. Bring water to boil and add red beans. Reduce to simmer. Add mandarin orange peel after 30 minutes and continue to simmer for at least another 30 minutes. (alternatively, you can put the water, red beans and orange peel in a slow-cooker and cook it for 3 hours or more / overnight)
  2. Add sugar to taste before serving.

Stir-Fried Dwarf Bok Choy With Garlic And Dried Prawns  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • Approximately 200 grammes of dwarf bok choy (wash and rinse to remove dirt)
  • 5 cloves garlic (chopped)
  • 30 grammes of dried prawns (rinsed for a couple of seconds, pre-soaked in 50 ml water for 20 minutes - retain water for cooking)
  • 1 tablespoon of cooking oil
Directions :
  1. Heat oil in wok and stir-fry the dried prawns for about 10 seconds. Add garlic and continue stir-frying till garlic begin to brown. Add dwarf bok choy and stir-fry for another 15 seconds or so. Add the water (previously used to soak dried prawns) and close lid.
  2. Cook dwarf bok choy according to how soft you want the stems to be. Add a little water if you wish to have more gravy and add salt to taste.

Stir-Fried Turnip (白萝卜) With Carrot And Dried Prawns  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1/2 turnip (peel skin using a knife and cut into strips)
  • 1/2 to 1 piece carrot (cut to strips of similar size as turnip)
  • 30 - 50 gms dried prawns (pre-soaked in a rice bowl to slightly soften them. Retain the water for cooking)
  • 3 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
  • Fish cake slices (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil (palm oil preferred)
Seasoning :
  • Salt and white pepper powder to taste
Directions :
  1. Heat oil in wok and saute dried prawns and garlic together till fragrant or till garlic begin to brown. Add fish cake slices at this point (optional).
  2. Add turnips and carrots and stir fry briskly for about 30 seconds whilst adding salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle water (used to soak dried prawns) to keep turnips and carrots moist.
  3. Cook the turnips and carrots to your desired softness and serve hot.

Stir Fried Ladies Fingers With Dried Prawns  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 200 grammes of ladies fingers (sliced to not more than 5mm thick)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons volume of dried prawns (pre-soaked in about 100 ml of water for 15 minutes)
  • 4 shallots (sliced thinly)
  • 2 tablespoons of cooking oil (palm oil)
Seasoning :
  • Fish sauce to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste
Directions :
  1. Heat oil in wok and fry the shallots will golden brown. Remove fried shallots from oil and set aside.
  2. Remove oil from wok leaving not more than 1 tablespoon of oil in the wok. Fry the dried prawns for 30 seconds and add the ladies fingers. Stir well.
  3. Add seasoning and sprinkle some water (used to soak dried prawns) if the dish is beginning to burn or too dry for your liking.
  4. Stir fry the ladies fingers to your desired crunchiness / softness. Dish up, garnish with fried shallots and serve with steaming white rice.

Corn Cake (玉蜀黍糕)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 400 gm creamy sweet corn (罐頭碎玉米粒 400克)
  • 150 gm sugar (糖 150克)
  • 100 gm custard powder (蛋黃粉 100克)
  • 20 gm corn flour (玉米粉 20克)
  • 400 gm coconut milk (椰漿 400克)
  • 600 gm water (水 600克)
  • 5 pieces pandan leaf (香蘭葉 5片)
Directions :
  1. Place the corn flour and sugar into the bowl, add in coconut milk to become evenly batters. (將玉米粉和糖放在鍋子,加入椰漿攪拌均勻成麵糊)
  2. Add in water, creamy sweet corn and pandan leaf and mix evenly. (加入水、罐頭碎玉米粒、香蘭葉拌勻)
  3. On medium baking temperature, while boil agitation well in order to avoid the base falls burnt. (開中火,一邊煮一遍攪拌,以免底部焦掉)
  4. Boils till cook then changes the small flame and continue to boil for 10 minutes, till batters thick. (煮至滾改小火繼續煮10分鐘左右,至麵糊濃稠)
  5. Pours into mold immediately, put to coolling (離火,馬上倒入模子內,放涼后凝固,冷藏后食用更佳)

Longan Tong Sui (龙眼糖水)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 2-3 oz dried longan
  • 6 cups water
  • 6 dried red dates
  • 12 ginkgo nuts
  • 5 pieces snow fungus (soaked until soft)
  • Sugar to taste
Directions :
  1. Bring water to boil. Add the dried longan, red dates, ginkgo nuts, and snow fungus. Boil in low heat for 30-45 minutes or until the water turns brown in color. Add sugar to taste.
  2. Serve warm or cold with ice cubes.

Stir Fried Kangkong (Water Convolvulus) With Garlic  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 300 grammes kangkong (washed, roots removed and plucked)
  • 5 cloves garlic (chopped)
  • 30 grammes dried prawns (soaked for 5 minutes in 200 grammes water)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons palm oil
Seasoning :
  • 1 teaspoon fish sauce
  • salt to taste
  • a pinch of msg (optional)
Directions :
  1. Heat oil in wok. Add pre-soaked dried prawns (without water) and stir fry for 15 to 30 seconds. Add garlic and continue stir frying till garlic beginning to brown.
  2. Add kangkong and stir well. Add seasoning and sprinkle a little water (previously used to soak dried prawns) every now and then to keep the dish moist. Dish up when leaves have completely and evenly turned darker colour.
  3. Serve hot.

Stir Fried Soya Bean Sprouts With Ikan Bilis  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 150 grammes of soya bean sprouts (remove tail / root)
  • 30 to 50 grammes of ikan bilis (medium sized, remove head and split half to remove bones)
  • 3 cloves garlic (chopped finely)
  • Some warm water
  • 3 tablespoons oil (palm or peanut oil)
Seasoning :
  • 2 teaspoons light soya sauce
  • salt to taste
  • a couple of dashes of white pepper powder
  • a pinch of msg (optional)
Directions :
  1. Rinse ikan bilis and drain dry.
  2. Heat oil in wok and fry ikan bilis till golden brown. Remove and set aside.
  3. Clean the wok, heat up 1 tablespoon of oil and add garlic. Stir fry for about 5 seconds on high heat, add soya bean sprouts and stir fry briskly. Add seasoning and sprinkle some water to keep moist. Do not pour water as this would make the dish soggy. The sprinkling of water will create steam which would hasten the cooking process.
  4. Stir fry for about 2 to 3 minutes (or until the soya bean sprouts are soft to your liking). Just before dishing up, return ikan bilis to wok and stir well.

Stir-Fried Pea Sprouts (Tou Miau) With Garlic  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 300 grammes pea-sprouts (rinse with water to remove dirt prior to cooking)
  • 5 to 8 cloves garlic (chopped finely)
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil (preferably palm oil)
Seasoning :
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons oyster sauce
  • Salt to taste
  • A dash of white pepper powder
Directions :
  1. Heat wok till wok starts to smoke.
  2. Add oil followed by garlic. Give the garlic a few quick stir and add the pea-sprouts.
  3. Continue to stir-fry briskly whilst adding seasoning. Cook until pea-sprouts begin to wilt to your desired softness or reduced by 1/2 in bulk. Add one or two tablespoons of warm water if you prefer some gravy.

Belacan Miding  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • About 500 grammes of paku miding (pluck tips only discard the rest)
  • About 20 to 40 grammes of belacan
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 5 cloves shallots
  • About 30 grammes of dried prawns (pre-soaked for 15 minutes)
  • 5 red chillies (remove seed if you prefer it less spicy)
  • 3 tablespoons warm water
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons cooking oil (palm oil preferred)
Directions :
  1. Pound or blend belacan, garlic, shallots, dried prawns and red chillies.
  2. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in wok and saute belacan mix till aromatic (approximately 1 minute). Add another tablespoon of oil if belacan mix too dry or begin to burn.
  3. Add miding to belacan mix and stir-fry briskly. Add water and continue stir frying till water almost dried up (but miding is moist).
  4. Dish up and serve with steamed white rice.

Snow Fungus Barley Dried Longan Red Dates Tong Sui  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • A big handful of dried snow fungus, washed and soaked in water to soften
  • Barley seeds
  • Red dates
  • Dried longan
  • Rock sugar
  • Pandan leaves
Directions :
  1. Clean and soak the dried snow fungus in some water. Don’t use too much as it expands into quite a bit! Once it’s soft, cut it up into small bite-sized pieces.
  2. Put the barley seeds and pandan leaves to boil in about 1 medium sized pot of water. Skim the foam that collects at the top of the pot.
  3. Throw in a handful of red dates for sweetness and taste.
  4. Once it has boiled, turn the flame down to simmer and watch the barley seeds to make sure they don’t expand till they “explode”.
  5. Add your rock sugar to taste.
  6. When the barley seeds are cooked, add in your snow fungus and simmer just for a short while then turn off the flame.
  7. Add your dried longan and stir it through.
  8. And it’s ready to serve.

Steamed Ladies Fingers With Superior Sauce  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 10 to 15 pieces ladies fingers (wash and slice off the upper stalk end)
  • 4 cloves garlic (chopped finely)
  • 3 tablespoons palm / peanut oil
Sauce (mix together) :
  • 1 tablespoon warm water
  • 2 tablespoons light soya sauce
  • 2 teaspoons oyster sauce
  • a couple of dashes of white pepper powder
Directions :
  1. Fry chopped garlic in oil till golden brown. Remove garlic and set aside.
  2. Mix 1 tablespoon of the oil (previously used to fry the garlic) with the rest of the sauce ingredients in a suitable bowl.
  3. Place ladies fingers in steamer and steam for 3 minutes. Remove from steamer and place on a serving plate.
  4. Pour sauce over the steamed ladies fingers and garnish with fried garlic. Serve hot.

Chicken Spinach Porridge  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • A handful or approximately 50g rice (washed and rinsed)
  • 300ml water
  • 50g chicken fillet, minced
  • 25g spinach, chopped


  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp light soy sauce

Directions :

  1. Marinate chicken and set aside. Put rice and water in a double boiler.
  2. Steam for about 30 minutes until porridge is cooked. Stir in chicken and spinach, and continue to steam for the next 30 minutes until chicken is tender.
  3. Remove porridge from the double-boiler. Leave aside.
  4. Puree the porridge in a liquidiser, scoop out and feed your toddler right away.

Agar-Agar Cendol  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1 packet agar-agar
  • 1 cup water
  • 4 cups cendul
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar (gula melaka)
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 cups santan
Directions :
  1. Boil agar-agar together with 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar.
  2. Melt 3/4 cup brown sugar (gula melaka) with little bit water, then add into 3 cups santan.
  3. Bet the 4 eggs then add into the santan and mixed well.
  4. Combined santan with agar-agar and put to boil then pour into small cute cup and let it cold.


Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 糯米--500克
  • 粘米粉--250克
  • 薯粉--約50克
  • 糖--300克
  • 椰漿--200毫升
  • 水--(放入蒸鍋後,稍微蓋過糯米)適量
  • 班蘭汁--900毫升
  • 鹽--少許
Directions :
  1. 首先,把糯米、鹽及100毫升的班蘭汁攪勻,再放入鍋內蒸30分鐘,至有關材料成為糯米飯團。
  2. 然後,把糯米飯團平鋪在容器內,作為糯米青糕的低層。
  3. 接下來,把剩餘的材料混合煮濃,再倒入容器內和之前的糯米飯團一起蒸約35分鐘就可以了。把蒸好的糯米青糕攤涼,即可切塊享用。)

Breakfast Pancakes  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 1 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup of water (use about 90% full if you want your pancakes "thicker")
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • Some butter

Directions :

  1. Whisk all ingredients in a bowl until well blended and smooth. Heat up the pan and grease it with some butter. Use a ladle to scoop up the batter and pour it onto the pan. Flip the pancake and cook it to light brown on both sides.
  2. Serve hot with some butter.

Chrysanthemum Jasmine Reduced Pressure Tea (甘菊茉莉花減壓茶)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 50 gm chrysanthemum (甘菊50克)
  • 50 gm jasmine (茉莉花50克)
Directions :
  1. Soak chrysanthemum and jasmine in hot boiling water for 30 minutes. (將甘菊和茉莉花用熱開水浸泡30秒左右)
  2. Pour into cup or teapot. Ready to serve. (最后將甘菊和茉莉花茶倒入杯中或壺中即可飲用)

Pineapple Fried Rice  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 450g overnight cooked rice
  • 4 tbsp oil
  • 250g pineapple, diced
  • 100g small prawns
  • 100g chicken meat, diced
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 3 tbsp fish sauce (Nampla)
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp chicken stock granules
  • 5 bird chillies (cilipadi), chopped
  • Chopped spring onions and coriander for garnishing
Directions :
  1. Heat wok with 2 tbsp oil and saute prawns and chicken meat until cooked. Add eggs and combine well. Mix in rice; add seasoning and blend well. Gradually drip in remaining oil.
  2. Lastly, add pineapple and blend well. Add the chilli and chopped spring onions and coriander. Dish out and serve either in a pineapple boat or on individual serving plates.

Pak Toong Koe (Steamed White Cake)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :


  • 125ml lukewarm water
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp instant yeast

  • 300g rice flour
  • 250ml water

Syrup :

  • 275g sugar
  • 375ml water
  • 1 pandan leaf, knotted
Directions :

  1. For the syrup, bring sugar, water and pandan leaf to a boil to dissolve the sugar. Allow to cool completely.
  2. Combine (B) together to form a dough. Remove a piece of dough the size of a fist from the main dough. Put it in a saucepan and add about 125ml water. Cook over low flame until it turns gluey and starchy, keep stirring as it is being cooked. Leave aside to cool completely, then mix well with the main dough to form a flour paste.
  3. Put lukewarm water in a bowl, add sugar and sprinkle with instant yeast. Leave aside for it to froth, then add this to the flour paste. Blend well and set aside for one to one and a half hours.
  4. Combine sugar syrup with the flour paste and mix well. Leave aside to rest for 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Pour mixture into a well-greased 22cm square cake pan.
  6. Steam cake over rapid boiling water over a moderate heat for 15 to 20 minutes.
Note :
Wrap the steamer cover with a tea towel to prevent vapour dropping over the cake.

Wintermelon Soup  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1 Chicken drumstick, skinned and chopped into bite sized pieces
  • 200g Wintermelon
  • 2 Dried scallops, crushed
  • 1/2 tsp Rock sugar, coarsely blended
  • 9 Chinese red dates, rinsed, seeded and slit to release flavor
  • 1 tsp Dried longan flesh, rinsed
  • 3 pcs Tong sum
  • 9 slices Ginseng
  • 1 tsp Kei chi
  • 2 1/2 cups Fresh chicken stock
  • 1 tsp Salt
Directions :

  1. Skin the melon, remove seeds and pith, cut into small cubes
  2. Steam the dried scallops for 15 minutes or until soft.
  3. Shred finely with your fingers and set aside.
  4. Place all ingredients in a saucepot and bring to a boil.
  5. Divide into 3 portions and place portions in bamboo cups till full.
  6. Cover the cups with their lids.
  7. Place in a steamer and steam over medium heat for 30-40 mins.
  8. Serve soup in bowls.

Coconut Cookies  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 2 cups shredded coconut
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • maraschino cherries (optional)
Directions :
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  3. In a medium size bowl with an electric mixer, beat the egg whites and salt together until they form soft peaks, then sprinkle in the sugar and continue beating until peaks are stiff.
  4. Add almond extract and give it a quick buzz with the beaters just to incorporate it.
  5. Now, with a wooden spoon stir in half the coconut; then the nutmeg;then the flour; then finally fold in the remaining coconut.
  6. Using a scoop or just working with two spoons, form snowballs a couple of inches apart on your cookie sheets--aim for about 10 so that you can keep them on the same sheet.
  7. Press half a maraschino cherry in the top of cookie.
  8. Bake for 15 minutes, or less time if you make small ones, just until they are a light and golden colour.
  9. Remove cookie tray from oven, remove the cookies to a cooling rack and let cool.

Carrot Corn Pig Bone Soup (胡萝卜玉米猪骨汤)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • Pig bone 2lbs (猪骨2lbs)
  • Corn 5 roots (玉米5根)
  • Carrot 3 roots (胡萝卜3根)
  • Tomato 2 (番茄2个)
  • Ginger 4 pieces (姜4片)
  • Salty 2 soupspoon (盐2勺)
Directions :
  1. Cut and slice the pig bone into small pieces, clean and soak in the water for a while to remove away bloody water, clean the corn then with your hand breaks off into 3 sections, clean the carrot skins and cuts into uneven slice, clean the tomato then all cut into two pieces. (猪骨切块洗净在水里浸泡一会儿去掉些血水,玉米洗净后用手掰成3段,胡萝卜洗净去皮后切滚刀块,番茄洗净后一切二)
  2. When the water boiled, put in the pig bone, skim off floats end, then put in the corn, carrot, tomato and the ginger piece. Use high flame till boil then transfer praises for 3 hours to the medium, lastly put the salt to blend flavors. (锅里水烧开后放入猪骨,撇去浮末,然后放入玉米,胡萝卜,番茄和姜片,先大火烧开再转至中小火褒3小时,临出锅时放盐调味)

Cendol Jelly  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 25 gm agar-agar strips, soaked for 10-15 minutes
  • 200 gm soft brown sugar
  • 1 litre water
  • 2 cups (500ml) thick coconut milk (from 2 grated white coconuts)
  • 2 pandan leaves, shredded and knotted
  • 350 gm cendol, well drained

Directions :

  1. Put water, sugar and pandan leaves in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  2. Add dissolved agar-agar and boil for 12-15 minutes, stirring frequently unti sugar and agar-agar have dissolved completely. Discard pandan leaves.
  3. Stir in coconut milk and bring to a boil, then remove from heat.
  4. Pour the jelly mixture straight into a 23cm square tin.
  5. Add the cendol and stir lightly to mix. Leave aside to cool completely.
  6. Chill the jelly well in the refrigerator before cutting into serving pieces.

Ginkgo Barley Dessert With Foo Chuk  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 20 grammes of barley
  • About 15 to 20 pieces of ginkgo nuts
  • 1 to 2 pieces of foo chuk
  • 4 pieces of Screw pine leaves / Daun Pandan (washed and tied to a knot)
  • Sugar to taste
  • About 1 litre of water
Directions :
  1. Bring water to boil in a large pot. Add screwpine leaves, barley and ginkgo nuts and let it boil on medium heat for 45 minutes. Add foo chuk and sugar to taste and let it boil for another 15 minutes or so before serving.
  2. Cooking time and amount of ingredients is approximate as it is dependant on your liking. However, the ingredients are essential, of course. You can make do without the screwpine leaves but you will miss out on the fragrance which it imparts.

Leng Chee Kang (Sweet Lotus Seed Soup)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 250g dried lotus seeds (len chee)
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda
  • 1.5 litres water
  • 2 pandan leaves, knotted
  • 100g dried longan
  • 75g rock sugar
Directions :
  1. Put dried lotus seeds into a basin. Put just enough cold water to cover the lotus seeds and add bicarbonate of soda. Set aside for two to two and a half hours. Drain, then wash thoroughly.
  2. Bring water to a boil. Add soaked lotus seeds and cook until the seeds turn soft. Add dried longan and rock sugar. Simmer until longan turns soft and sugar dissolves. Add pandan leaves at the final stage.
  3. Serve this dessert either hot or cold.

Clear Carrot Chicken Soup  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1 1/2 litres water
  • 1 chicken carcass, cleaned
  • 2 stalks spring onions
  • 1 tsp white peppercorns
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 100g deboned chicken meat, sliced
  • 50g carrot, cut into small wedges
  • 50g green capsicum
  • 50g button mushrooms, diced
  • 50g maccheroni (pasta), cook till al dente
Seasoning :
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
Garnishing :
  • Chopped spring onions

Directions :

  1. Bring water to a boil. Add chicken carcass, spring onions, peppercorns and garlic. Cook to a boil again and simmer over gentle heat for 30 minutes until soup turns clear .
  2. Strain soup. Add chicken meat, carrot, capsicum and button mushrooms to soup. Boil until meat and vegetables are soft and tender.
  3. Add cooked pasta and seasoning. Dish out soup and serve with garnishing in individual bowls together with the puffs. It makes a wholesome meal.

Cucur Udang  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 600gm flour
  • 400gm fresh prawns (small)
  • 1/2 cup dried prawns
  • 3 onions
  • 3 fresh red chillies
  • 2 sprigs Chinese celery
  • salt to taste
Directions :

  1. Shell and wash fresh prawns. Drain. Wash and thoroughly pound dried prawns. Finely slice onions, chillies and celery.
  2. Sieve flour and mix well with water into a soft consistency. Add in the other ingredients. Mix well.
  3. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture (or use your fingers) into a kuali of hot oil for deep frying. Drain on kitchen paper.
  4. Cucur udang is best served warm and dipped in chilli sauce.

Kerabu Sayur  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • Shredded carrot (紅蘿蔔全切成絲)
  • Shredded cucumber (黃瓜全切成絲)
  • Shredded cabbage (白菜心葉全切成絲)
  • Shredded sweet potato (番薯全切成絲)
  • Shredded chicken (雞絲)
Seasoning (辣椒調味汁) :
  • 250 grams dried chillies (辣椒乾 250克)
  • 1 kgs small onion (小蔥頭 1公斤)
  • Balacan 1 divided into 4 small pieces (峇拉煎 1又4份塊)
  • 2 pieces gula melaka (椰糖 2片)
  • 1/2 kg peanut fries and blend (土花生 半公斤(炒熟後攪拌成花生碎)
  • Sour citrus juice (酸柑汁)
Directions :
  1. Put the dried chillies, small onion, balacan and gula melaka into the mixer to stir evenly. (首先,把辣椒乾、小蔥頭、峇拉煎和椰糖放進攪拌機內攪拌均勻)
  2. Put the above material into the pot in boils. (add in crunch peanut and sour citrus juice before serve) (把上述材料放到鍋里煮滾。(花生碎和酸柑汁是在享用佳餚前放進辣椒調味汁內攙拌,使調味汁帶有酸辣味道和花生的香味)
  3. Place evenly the vegetables into the tray, then add in seasoning sauce. (將蔬菜均勻地擺放在盤子中,然后淋上辣椒調味汁即可)