Four Great Heavenly King (四大天王)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 100 gm long bean (角豆 100克)
  • 50 gm petai (臭豆 50克)
  • Peas some (荷蘭豆 適量)
  • Red chilli some (紅辣椒 適量)
  • 1 onion (洋蔥 一粒)
  • Dried shrimp some (蝦米 適量)
Seasoning (調味料) :
  • 3 soupspoon sambal (三峇 3湯匙)
  • 1/2 soupspoon sugar (糖 半湯匙)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper (胡椒粉 半茶匙)
  • 150 ml water (清水 150毫升)
Directions :
  1. Heat oil in wok, fry dried shrimp, onion and chilli till fragrance. (放油熱鍋,將蝦米、洋蔥、辣椒爆香)
  2. Add in long bean, petai, peas and red chilli and continue fry, add in water and all seasoning ingredients. (加入角豆、臭豆、荷蘭豆及紅辣椒,拌勻,再加入清水及所有腌料)
  3. Fry for 4 minutes. (炒熱4分鐘即可食用)

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