发现爱 - 金莎 wt 林俊杰  

Posted by: Julia in

Pineapple Jelly (黃梨果凍)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 100 gm pineapple juice (黃梨 100克打成汁)
  • 100 gm pineapple cube (黃梨 100克切丁)
  • 10 gm instant jelly (水晶果凍粉 10克)
  • 200 gm sugar (糖 200克)
  • 900 ml water (水 900毫升)
Directions :
  1. Mix evenly instant jelly and sugar, add in water to boil. (將水晶果凍粉加糖拌勻,加入水煮至滾)
  2. Add in pineapple juice and cube, lastly pour into mould. (加入黃梨汁和黃梨丁,倒入模型即可)

Chilled Mango Cream With Sago Pearls  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 150ml hot water
  • 50g sugar
  • 100g ice cubes
  • 25ml whipping cream
  • 50ml milk
  • 25ml coconut milk
  • 40g mango, pureed
  • 30g sago, cooked
  • 40g mango, cubed
  • 4 scoops vanilla ice cream
Directions :
  1. Combine the hot water and sugar in a bowl and stir until the sugar dissolves. Add the ice cubes and stir until the ice melts. Add the whipping cream, milk and coconut milk. Mix well and add the pureed mango and sago. Mix again and add in the mango cubes. Chill until ready to serve.
  2. Place a scoop of ice cream in a small bowl and pour some mango cream over to serve.

White Fungi With Papaya  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1 medium Hawaii papaya, just ripening
  • 100g white fungi
  • 50g medley seeds
  • Rock sugar, according to taste
  • 8 bowls water
Directions :
  1. Boil all the ingredients over low heat. When the soup has boiled, transfer it to a slow cooker and cook for four hours.

Mixed Fruits With Grass Jelly  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1/2 can lychee with juice
  • 1/2 cup mandarin oranges canned
  • 1 can grass jelly
Directions :
  1. Have all ingredients well chilled.
  2. Open both ends of grass jelly can, push out gelatin, slice, then cut into 1/2 inch cubes.
  3. Place grass jelly cubes in serving bowl with lychee fruit and mandarin oranges.
  4. Cover and keep refrigerated until ready to serve.