Coffee Cocoa Bread  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

  • 500gm High Protein Flour
  • 10gm Instant yeast
  • 80gm Sugar
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 25gm Milk Powder
  • 1 tbsp Instant Coffee
  • 1 tbsp Cocoa Powder
  • 2 tbsp Honey
  • 1 nos Egg
  • 240gm Water
( C )
  • 80gm Butter
  • 100gm Walnut
  • 100gm Raisin
  • 1 nos Egg (for egg wash)
  • 50gm Instant Custard
  • 120gm Water
Directions :
  1. Mix A, flour and yeast, mix well.
  2. Add in B, become dough then add in C butter.
  3. Mix for another 15/20 minutes until dough becomes elastic.
  4. Add in D.
  5. Ferment for 40-60 minutes. Dough becomes double size.
  6. Scale at 60gm each. Round up
  7. Intermediate proof for 15 minutes. Put the dough in mould.
  8. Final proof for 40-50 minutes.
  9. Egg washes the dough.
  10. Mix instant custard and water, than do decorating on the dough.
  11. Bake at 210°C for 25-30 minutes until well baked.

Spareribs Lotus Root Soup (排骨藕片汤)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • Spareribs 500 grams (排骨500克)
  • Lotus root cutted into pieces 200 grams (藕片200克)
  • Carrot 2 roots (胡罗卜2根)
  • Onion and ginger little bit (葱姜少许)
  • Salt 1/2 soup spoon (盐1/2调羹)
Directions :
  1. Cut the spareribs into small pieces, then put to boils for 3 minutes (将排骨切块,用开水煮3分钟捞出)
  2. Adds 1 liter water into all the materials, boils up together, then use slow cooks for 45 minutes (把所有材料加1公升水放在一起煮开后,小火炖45分钟)
  3. Finally puts in the salt (最后放入盐)

Double-Boiled Asian Pear With Chuan Bei  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1 Asian pear
  • 8g Chuan Bei
  • 3 red dates
  • rock candy to taste
Directions :
  1. Wash the Asian pear. Slice off the top of the pear. Scoop out the centre of the pear and soak it in hot water for 3 minutes.
  2. Place water and other ingredients into the pear. Simmer for about 30 minutes, and it is ready to be served.* Chuan Bei is good for the lungs. It relieves cough, and hence this dessert is especially beneficial to those who suffer from chronic cough.

Spicy Mixed Vegetable Pickle (Nyonya Acar)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 500g cucumber, quartered lengthwise (soft centre removed) and cut into 4cm strips
  • 150g cabbage leaves, cut into 2.5cm squares
  • 150g carrots, cut into 4cm strips
  • 150g long beans, cut into 4cm strips
  • 200g cauliflower, cut into small pieces
  • 50g dried prawns, soaked and pounded
  • 3 red chillies halved and cut into 4cm strips
  • 3 green chillies halved and cut into 4cm strips
  • 50g young ginger slice thinly
  • 3 cloves garlic slice thinly
  • 3 shallots slice thinly
  • 10 fresh chillies grind
  • 5 dried chillies grind
  • 10 shallots grind
  • 5 cloves garlic grind
  • 2cm fresh turmeric root grind
  • 1 tbsp sliced galingale (lengkuas) grind
  • 3 candlenuts (buah keras) grind
  • 2cm cube toasted belacan or 1 tsp belacan powder grind
  • 1 stalk lemon grass, sliced finely grind
  • 100ml vinegar for vinegar mixture
  • 200ml water for vinegar mixture
  • 5 to 6 tbsp sugar for vinegar mixture
  • 1 tsp salt for vinegar mixture
  • 125g crushed peanut candy or 100g roasted peanuts, skinned and pounded for vinegar mixture
  • 4 tbsp roasted sesame seeds for vinegar mixture
  • 600ml water for scalding vegetables
  • 400ml vinegar for scalding vegetables
  • 2 tbsp salt for scalding vegetables
  • 2 tbsp sugar for scalding vegetables
Directions :
  1. Rub cucumber slices with 1 tbsp salt. Leave aside for one hour. Wrap in clean towel or muslin cloth and squeeze out excess liquid. Place cucumber slices on a tray and sun for two to three hours (this makes the cucumber crunchy).
  2. For the other vegetables, sun them separately in trays for one to two hours.
  3. Bring water, vinegar, salt and sugar for scalding vegetables to a rapid boil. Blanch the vegetables, one type at a time: dip cucumber and cabbage in boiling mixture for two to three seconds; scald the rest of the vegetables - except chillies - for eight to 10 seconds. Drain vegetables at once in a colander.
  4. Heat oil in wok and fry the ground ingredients until fragrant and the oil begins to separate. Stir in vinegar and water. Add sugar and salt and bring to a boil, then leave to cool completely.
  5. Stir in dried prawns, ginger, shallots and garlic and all the prepared vegetables. Remove and store in a porcelain jar or a clean, dry glass jar. When about to serve, mix in peanuts and sesame seeds.
Note :
The acar will keep for two weeks in the fridge if peanuts have not been mixed in.

Yam Layer Cake  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • Yam 500 grams
  • Sugar 300 grams
  • Coconut milk 1600 litres
  • Rice flour 300 grams
  • Tapioca flour 200 grams
  • Purple coloring few drops
Directions :
  1. Yam cut into cubes steam till cooked。
  2. Mixed rice flour, tapioca flour, sugar and coconut milk together, bring to a simmering boil until combination thick。
  3. Add in purple coloring, divide batter into 3 equal portions。
  4. Lightly grease a 20cm square cake pan, pour in 1 portion of the batter and place it in a steamer. Steam for 5-10 minutes。
  5. The second portion batter add in cooked cubes yam, steam for 10-15 minutes。
  6. The remaining batter would be the final layer. When all the layers have been completed, steam for 15-20 minutes。