Vegetarian Mixed Vegetables  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 100g Chinese cabbage
  • 100g Carrots
  • 100g Snow peas
  • 6 Dried Chinese mushroons
  • 3 tablespoons oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp Water
Directions :
  1. Soak the dried mushrooms in warm water for 30 mins.
  2. Squeeze dry, discard the hard stalks and cut into thin slices.
  3. Trim the snow peas, cut the Chinese cabbage and carrots into slices.
  4. Heat the oil in a preheated wok.
  5. Add Chinese cabbage, carrots, snow peas and dried mushroom, and stir-fry for 1 min.
  6. Add salt and sugar, stir for another min or so with a little more water if necessary.
  7. Do not overcook or the vegetables will lose their crunchiness.

Thick Green Pea Soup  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 50g green peas
  • 1 cup soup stock
  • 1 cup soymilk
Seasoning :
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • black pepper as required
Directions :
  1. Wash the green peas, pour them into the soup stock and mix. Blend the mixture in a blender, then strain through a sieve.
  2. Heat the soymilk and creamed green peas in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Season and serve.

Sehati dan Sejiwa - Haslinda  

Posted by: Julia in

Ping Pei Mooncake  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :

(Skin A)
  • 150 gm kou fun (cooked glutinuos rice flour)
  • 50 gm shortening (pai yu)
  • 180 gm water
  • 50 gm icing sugar
  • Drops of vanilla essence
(Skin B)

  • Drops of green, yellow and read colouring

  • 400 gm red dates paste
  • 30 gm kuaci
Directions :

  1. Mix red dates paste with kuaci, apportion into 4 pieces and then kneads roundly.
  2. Knead (Skin A) into smooth rough, apportion into 4 pieces and then coloured differently, let rise for 30 minutes, then store in refrigerator to cold them.
  3. Take out the 4 coloured dough, combine together and apportion into 4 pieces, then flatten dough and wrap in filling.
  4. Press into a mooncake mould, knock out to dislodge mooncake. Chill crystal mooncake in fridge.


Posted by: Julia in

  1. 回到家門前,最好先準備取出鎖匙,勿站在門口尋找鎖匙.
  2. 開車送朋友回家時,等到朋友進了家門後才離去.
  3. 平常身上一定要備有硬幣
  4. 發生不幸時,一定要保持鎮定,記得對方的特征
  5. 駕駛時,記得鎖上車門. 停車後,留在車內稍作觀察才下車.
  6. 乘坐電梯時,留意身旁者是否不懷好意,儘量站在按鈕之處. 一旦對方出現不妥行為,按每一層樓的按鈕.
  7. 夜晚出門儘量披套外,并將皮包套住,以減低被搶劫的風險.