Clear Carrot Chicken Soup  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1 1/2 litres water
  • 1 chicken carcass, cleaned
  • 2 stalks spring onions
  • 1 tsp white peppercorns
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 100g deboned chicken meat, sliced
  • 50g carrot, cut into small wedges
  • 50g green capsicum
  • 50g button mushrooms, diced
  • 50g maccheroni (pasta), cook till al dente
Seasoning :
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
Garnishing :
  • Chopped spring onions

Directions :

  1. Bring water to a boil. Add chicken carcass, spring onions, peppercorns and garlic. Cook to a boil again and simmer over gentle heat for 30 minutes until soup turns clear .
  2. Strain soup. Add chicken meat, carrot, capsicum and button mushrooms to soup. Boil until meat and vegetables are soft and tender.
  3. Add cooked pasta and seasoning. Dish out soup and serve with garnishing in individual bowls together with the puffs. It makes a wholesome meal.

Cucur Udang  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 600gm flour
  • 400gm fresh prawns (small)
  • 1/2 cup dried prawns
  • 3 onions
  • 3 fresh red chillies
  • 2 sprigs Chinese celery
  • salt to taste
Directions :

  1. Shell and wash fresh prawns. Drain. Wash and thoroughly pound dried prawns. Finely slice onions, chillies and celery.
  2. Sieve flour and mix well with water into a soft consistency. Add in the other ingredients. Mix well.
  3. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture (or use your fingers) into a kuali of hot oil for deep frying. Drain on kitchen paper.
  4. Cucur udang is best served warm and dipped in chilli sauce.

Kerabu Sayur  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • Shredded carrot (紅蘿蔔全切成絲)
  • Shredded cucumber (黃瓜全切成絲)
  • Shredded cabbage (白菜心葉全切成絲)
  • Shredded sweet potato (番薯全切成絲)
  • Shredded chicken (雞絲)
Seasoning (辣椒調味汁) :
  • 250 grams dried chillies (辣椒乾 250克)
  • 1 kgs small onion (小蔥頭 1公斤)
  • Balacan 1 divided into 4 small pieces (峇拉煎 1又4份塊)
  • 2 pieces gula melaka (椰糖 2片)
  • 1/2 kg peanut fries and blend (土花生 半公斤(炒熟後攪拌成花生碎)
  • Sour citrus juice (酸柑汁)
Directions :
  1. Put the dried chillies, small onion, balacan and gula melaka into the mixer to stir evenly. (首先,把辣椒乾、小蔥頭、峇拉煎和椰糖放進攪拌機內攪拌均勻)
  2. Put the above material into the pot in boils. (add in crunch peanut and sour citrus juice before serve) (把上述材料放到鍋里煮滾。(花生碎和酸柑汁是在享用佳餚前放進辣椒調味汁內攙拌,使調味汁帶有酸辣味道和花生的香味)
  3. Place evenly the vegetables into the tray, then add in seasoning sauce. (將蔬菜均勻地擺放在盤子中,然后淋上辣椒調味汁即可)

Kiam Chye Tau Foo Soup  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 5 to 10 pieces of salted mustard leaves (kiam chye)
  • 2 large tomatoes (quartered)
  • 1 piece beancurd (soft type, approximately 6 inches x 2 inches x 2 inches - LxWxD, cut into 8 pieces)
  • 2 bowls of stock (prepared using 2 1/2 bowls of water used to boil belly pork)
Directions :
  1. Bring stock to boil and add tomatoes and salted mustard leaves. Simmer for 1 hour or more.
  2. 3 minutes before intended serving, bring back to boil and add beancurd.
  3. Serve steaming hot.

Tako Delight  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :


Mix together and leave aside to soak for 30 minutes, then sieve :
  • 65g arrowroot flour
  • 1 tbsp green pea flour
  • 200ml water
  • 350ml unsweetened pineapple juice
  • 150g sugar
  • 2 pandan leaves. knotted
  • 6 pieces water-chestnuts, diced
Santan topping :
  • 550ml general santan
  • 2 1/2 tbsp green pea flour
  • 1 1/4 tsp agar-agar powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
Directions :
  1. Prepare pandan leaf casings.
  2. Bring pineapple juice, sugar and pandan leavesto a low boil. Gradually add in mixture (A) and keep stirring. add in water-chestnuts. When they turn transparent, remove fromheat. Spoon a heaped teaspoonful of filling into each pandan casing. Leave to set.
  3. To make santan topping: Mix all the ingredients together and cookwell till blended and thick. Remove from fire.
  4. Spoon one teaspoonful of topping ingredientover the pineapple layer. Leave to set. Chill well before serving.