Kerabu Sayur  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • Shredded carrot (紅蘿蔔全切成絲)
  • Shredded cucumber (黃瓜全切成絲)
  • Shredded cabbage (白菜心葉全切成絲)
  • Shredded sweet potato (番薯全切成絲)
  • Shredded chicken (雞絲)
Seasoning (辣椒調味汁) :
  • 250 grams dried chillies (辣椒乾 250克)
  • 1 kgs small onion (小蔥頭 1公斤)
  • Balacan 1 divided into 4 small pieces (峇拉煎 1又4份塊)
  • 2 pieces gula melaka (椰糖 2片)
  • 1/2 kg peanut fries and blend (土花生 半公斤(炒熟後攪拌成花生碎)
  • Sour citrus juice (酸柑汁)
Directions :
  1. Put the dried chillies, small onion, balacan and gula melaka into the mixer to stir evenly. (首先,把辣椒乾、小蔥頭、峇拉煎和椰糖放進攪拌機內攪拌均勻)
  2. Put the above material into the pot in boils. (add in crunch peanut and sour citrus juice before serve) (把上述材料放到鍋里煮滾。(花生碎和酸柑汁是在享用佳餚前放進辣椒調味汁內攙拌,使調味汁帶有酸辣味道和花生的香味)
  3. Place evenly the vegetables into the tray, then add in seasoning sauce. (將蔬菜均勻地擺放在盤子中,然后淋上辣椒調味汁即可)

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