你的承诺 - 泳儿 wt 海鸣威  

Posted by: Julia in

Drive Slowly ........  

Posted by: Julia in


Received this email today from an online buddy which I found it important information for all who require to travels a lot on North-South Expressway, so decided to post it here for sharing.

I am a frequent user of our North-South Expressway and I have this IMPORTANT experience to highlight and share:-

I was driving back to Penang yesterday afternoon (24 June 08) when I saw the unfortunate accident in the opposite direction involving the passenger bus that skidded and overturned at Tanjung Malim. I didn't know that the skidded bus was from hometown Penang until I watched TV3 news later in the evening and was shocked to learn that the accident took two lives.

Now, this is what I need to share:-

I am a building contractor with over twenty years of experience and I have been driving my 5 series BMW (latest generation and a dammed solid road holding car) each time I travelled to KL. Lately, the new extended 3 lanes highway had been opened up for use and since then, I have also been using it quite often.

HOWEVER, when I used it each time it is WET, I can really 'feel' that the new road surface is extremely SLIPPERY! To share with some of you, my car comes with a built-in traction control mechanism (skidding prevention mechanism) and you can feel it each time it is activated. Previously, I don't come across this kind of slippery feel except when I drive over a paddle of water at certain speed.

From my observation as a building contractor, the 'wearing course' of the new road surface could be TOO FINE OR TOO SMOOTH and TOTALLY UNSUITABLE for highway use! The wearing course (top premix layer) mix design for highways should be of minimum 20mm coarse aggregate mix that will give us the required bond between the surface and our tyres. Fine wearing course (14mm coarse aggregate size and below) is only suitable for normal road. (A proper test needs to be carried out to determine the mix design of the wearing course).

Since the opening of the three lanes highway, I had seen cars skidding in front me or in the opposite direction and approximately 2 weeks ago, one of my friends who is also a frequent user of our NSE, came to share with me about his slippery feeling as well as the many skidded cars he had seen lately.

I am highlighting this to TV3 and The Star with the hope that a thorough investigation could be carried out immediately to find out how or what causes the bus to skid. A proper and independent test needs to be carried out urgently to determine the design mix of the wearing course. THIS CAN SAVE LIVES.


Posted by: Julia in

鐵罐是個很懂事的女孩, 家住屏東.

有一個週六下午, 鐵罐補習回來, 坐在客廳寫功課. 這時突然門鈴作響, 懂事的鐵 罐趕緊跑去開門,她看到一個英俊高大的男士站在那裡.

心裡正猶豫他是誰的時候, 媽媽從廚房走出來看到他露出欣喜的笑容, 這時媽媽 突然回頭對鐵罐說:「叫爸爸!」, 鐵罐心想:「好奇怪, 這個男的是誰, 什麼我要叫他爸, 難道 ..媽...?」

媽媽看鐵罐一點動靜都沒有, 再一次對她說:「叫爸爸!」鐵罐還是無動於衷, 瞪著眼睛望著媽媽和那個男人, 決定以沉默代表自己最後的人性尊嚴.


媽媽急了也火了, 伸出右手狠狠的打了鐵罐一巴掌, 並且大吼:「叫爸爸!」鐵 罐頓時傻了沒想到媽媽竟會為了一個陌生男人而打他, 鐵罐難過的哭了出來, 對 著陌生人說:「爸爸.....」

媽媽這時說:「你白癡阿~~~~~~~~你這樣叫爸爸, 他聽的到嗎?人家來修水塔你趕快到房裡去叫爸爸帶他上頂樓.」

Tomato Scrambled Eggs (番茄炒蛋)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 2 tomato (番茄 2只)
  • 5 eggs (鸡蛋 5个)
  • Onion (葱)
Directions :
  1. Beat eggs with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon sugar till fluffy. (将鸡蛋敲入碗里,加小半勺盐和1勺糖,用打蛋器(或很细的筷子)打成颜色发淡蓬松为止)
  2. Cut the tomato into pieces. (番茄洗净后去蒂后对半切开,然后切片)
  3. Pour the eggs into hot wok, disperse then place in a bowl. (锅里油热后倒入鸡蛋大火滑散,然后放在碗里)
  4. Put the tomato into the remaining hot oil, add a bit sugar fry for 2-3 minutes, then add in the eggs continues fry. Put some mince green onion before serving. (番茄片放入剩油里,略加糖大火翻炒2-3分钟,然后加入炒鸡蛋,继续大火翻炒,出锅前撒葱花)

Candy Bar Fudge  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 3 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 30 individually wrapped caramels, unwrapped
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 2 cups salted peanuts
  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips

Directions :

  1. Grease an 8x8 inch square baking pan.
  2. In a microwave-safe bowl, combine butter, cocoa powder, brown sugar and milk. Microwave until mixture boils. Stir in confectioners' sugar and vanilla extract. Pour into prepared pan.
  3. In a microwave-safe bowl, microwave caramels and water until caramels melt. Stir in peanuts. Spread mixture over chocolate layer.
  4. In a small microwave-safe bowl, combine semisweet and milk chocolate chips; microwave until melted. Spread over caramel layer. Chill for 2 hours, or until firm.