Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word - Elton John wt Blue  

Posted by: Julia in

Steamed Minced Pork With Tung Chye  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 150 grammes pork
  • A pinch or two of Tung Chye
  • 4 cloves garlic

Seasoning :

  • A dash of white pepper powder (optional)

Directions :

  1. Mince ingredients together and sprinkle some white pepper powder if you like.
  2. Put mince on a suitable plate for steaming.
  3. Steam mince till cooked (say, 5 to 10 minutes). To check whether it is cooked, insert a chopstick into the meat and if the chopstick comes out clean, it is cooked.

Malaysia Jokes  

Posted by: Julia in

Jokes No. 1
Pak Lah, Najib and Sami Vellu 同坐直升機巡視.
Sami Vellu 說: '如果我丟一千塊下去, 撿到那一個人一定很高興.'
Najib 說: '如果我丟兩張五百元下去, 那就有兩個人很高興了.'
Pak Lah 說: '如果我丟十張一百元下去, 就有十個人很高興了.' 這個時候 ....... 駕駛員喃喃自語地說: '何不把自己都丟下去, 讓兩千一百萬人都高興呢?'

Jokes No. 2
Sami Vellu 希望提高自己的聲望, 想要發行一款有自己肖像的郵票..... 發行過了一個多月之後, Sami Vellu 想要問看看視察看看銷路如何..... Sami Vellu: '銷售情形怎麼樣?'
郵政總局局長: '還算不錯, 只不過常常有人抱怨黏不牢! Sami Vellu: '怎麼會呢?' Sami Vellu 隨手拿了一張郵票, 塗了一點口水在郵票背面, 便試貼在信封上 ....
Sami Vellu: ' 這樣不是黏得很緊嗎?'
郵政總局局長: '可是......大家....都把口水吐在正面啊......'

Jokes No. 3
深夜, Najib 去買宵夜, 結果在路上遇到搶匪 … 搶匪拿著槍指著
Najib 說: ' 把身上的錢交出來!' Najib 勃然大怒說: '你這什麼態度? 我可是堂堂Vice Prime Minister 耶!'
搶匪: '喔, 那……把我的錢還來.'

Jokes No. 4
某天, Prime Minister, Parliment members ... 等大官一起參加一個會議, 結果發生連環車禍, 送至醫院急救, 記者們聞風趕至醫院.... 稍久, 醫生出來了, 記者忙著問: '醫生!醫生! Prime Minister 有救嗎?'
醫生沮喪的搖搖頭說: '唉 .. Prime Minister 沒救了...'
記者又問: '醫生! 醫生! Najib 有救嗎?'
醫生又沮喪的搖搖頭說: '唉 ...也沒救了...'
記者就問: '那 ...到底誰有救?'
醫生精神一振說: 'Malaysia 有救了!'

Jokes No. 5
有一天Sami Vellu 往某家精神病院視察, 所有的病人都站在走廊上高聲歡呼, Sami Vellu 萬歲! Sami Vellu 萬歲! 只有一名病人面無表情, 對Sami Vellu 不理不睬.Sami Vellu 看到了, 問院長說: '那位病人為什麼不對我歡呼呢?'
院長: '因為他今天精神非常正常.'

Jokes No. 6
一輛競選車載著Sami Vellu 競選團隊開到鄉村去造勢, 不幸在山間小路上翻車. 正在農田作活的老農民看見這情景, 就趕到出事地點, 可是車上的人都死光了. 于是他挖了一個土坑, 把幾個政客都埋了. 過了幾天, 負責事故勘察的警察找到那個老農民, 問他那幾個政客到哪里去了, 老農民說己經埋了.
警察趕緊追問: '他們都死了嗎? '
老農回答說: '嗯…, 我看到Sami Vellu 在我埋他的時候大叫說他還沒死.'
警察說: '那你怎麼也把他埋了?'
老農說: '你知道的嘛? 這個Sami Vellu 從不說實話.’

Look Out Point - Best Kuala Lumpur Night Skyline  

Posted by: Julia in

Ever wonder where to eat at a restaurant which simultaneously you can enjoy the exotic night view of KL city? Someone has recommended this place which is situatued in Ulu Langat/Ampang, Kompleks Pelancongan Menara Tinjau.

Look Out Point Restaurant and Cafe, Kompleks Pelancongan Menara Tinjau direction :-

  1. Exit the MRR2 at Pandan Indah Interchange.
  2. Go straight until the T-Junction. Esso will be on your left. Turn right at the traffic light.
  3. Take a left at the next traffic light.
  4. Take another left at the traffic light beside Puteri Plaza.
  5. Turn right at the traffic light junction to Ulu Langat/Kajang. (Please take note on this, you might missed this.)
  6. From this traffic light the road is winding for about 3 km.
  7. Look out for the sign board “Menara Tinjau”.
  8. Will come across a food court on the right with carpark. Turn in and drive up the hill to the LookOut Point Restaurant.

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice-Cream  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 2 cups 2% milk
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon peppermint extract
  • 3 drops green food coloring (optional)
  • 1 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips

Directions :

  1. Use a large bowl, stir together the milk, cream, sugar, salt, vanilla extract and peppermint extract until the sugar has dissolved. Color to your liking with the green food coloring.
  2. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker, and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. After about 10 minutes into the freezing, add the chocolate chips. After the ice cream has thickened, about 30 minutes later, spoon into a container, and freeze for 2 hours.