Potato Salad (馬鈴薯沙拉)  

Posted by: Julia in

Ingredients :
  • 3 Potatos (馬鈴薯 3粒)
  • 3 Eggs (水煮蛋 3粒)
  • 1 Cucumber (黃瓜 1條)
  • 2 Tomato (番茄 2粒)
  • 1 bowl Mixed beans (三色豆雜豆 1碗)
  • 3 tablespoon Mayonnaise (美乃滋 3大匙)
Directions :
  1. Boils the potato, skin and cut into cube (將馬鈴薯加水煮熟,去皮切丁)
  2. Cut the tomato into small cube (番茄切小塊)
  3. Cut the cucumber into small cube (黃瓜切小塊)
  4. Steam the mixed beans (三色豆用熱水燙過)
  5. Boiled the eggs then slice into small pieces (煮熟的蛋去殼切小塊)
  6. Put all materials in a large bowl, add in mayonnaise mix evenly, keep in the refrigeration before serve (將所有的材料放入大碗,加入美乃滋拌勻冷藏即可)

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